The Best Dumpster Size for Small Projects

Determining the right dumpster rental size can be more difficult than it may initially seem, as the weight, dimensions and even type of debris will all play key roles in your final decision. If you get a dumpster that is too big, you could end up paying for something that you don’t quite need. A dumpster that isn’t big enough could also present challenges, and the costs for your project may increase if extra trips for disposal have to be added. If you are undertaking a smaller project in your home, follow along with this guide for help finding the right small dumpster rental in Nashville, TN.

Finding the right size

The first rule of thumb is to always get a disposal bin that is just a bit longer than the amount of anticipated waste. If you estimate that you will have eight yards worth of debris, renting a 10-yard dumpster could actually help to cut costs in the long run. The cost of each dumpster usually includes delivery, mileage and disposal, and when you underestimate the amount of space you need and extra disposal trips have to be added to fully clear the work area, overage charges may be tacked onto your rental.

In addition to boosting the costs of your project, delayed cleanup can also create unnecessary hazards on your property. The longer the additional piles of debris are lying around on your project site, the higher the chances of a slip and fall accident occurring.

Dumpster size for a bathroom remodel

If you are planning a bathroom remodel in which you will be upgrading from a half to a full-sized bathroom, a 10-yard dumpster with two- to three-ton capacity will be needed for disposal. A dumpster of this size would also be the recommended option for an interior wall demolition, carpeting renovations and deck or patio removal. If you are gutting a full bathroom to make way for a remodel, you will need a 15- to 20-yard dumpster.

Masonry projects

The size of the dumpster will also be guided by weight limitations, which are based on the category and type of debris you are moving. Even if there won’t be a large amount of debris for disposal collected from a masonry project, because the bricks, drywall or concrete you will be throwing away are much heavier than many other types of materials, you will need a larger bin.

If you’re ever in doubt about the best dumpster size for your project, be sure to contact Griffin Waste Services. With nearly a decade of experience finding the best dumpster rental solutions for jobs of all sizes, we are sure to have a flexible small dumpster rental option in Nashville, TN that will be equipped to meet all of your needs, no matter how small your project may be. It’s our mission to simplify your residential cleanup and make sure that the entire dumpster rental process is as seamless and stress-free as possible from start to finish. Give us a call today to learn more about how to get started.

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