What Size Dumpster Should You Rent?

Your first step before preparing for a DIY project is often getting all of the right tools and materials for the job. But one thing you can’t forget is to rent a dumpster. Having a dumpster on-site makes clean-up a breeze and helps keep your home tidy during the project.

But every DIY project is unique, meaning each one requires a different dumpster. This post from your dumpster rental company in Nashville, TN will cover a few things to consider regarding your dumpster size.

Job type

The first thing to consider is the type of project you’re tackling. Big projects—like roofing a home or redoing a kitchen—typically require a larger dumpster than, say, remodeling a small bathroom.

It’s not always easy to gauge a project’s size compared to your dumpster needs, especially for first-timers. Thankfully, your dumpster contractor can help. They’ll point you in the right direction to ensure you get just what you need.

Project duration

The project’s size is often directly related to its duration. For example, large undertakings often take more time than smaller ones. The amount of refuse that comes from the project is also associated with its timeframe. If your project is supposed to take a few weeks, you’ll often need a bigger dumpster than one that’s only supposed to take a few days.

Property space

How much room do you have on your property to place the dumpster? If you have a small driveway, you may have to make some compromises and get a smaller-sized dumpster. We may be able to place your dumpster on the street, depending on your location. Be sure to check with your HOA (homeowner association) before attempting to place a dumpster where it’s forbidden.

Why rent from Griffin Waste Services?

Don’t just rent from the first dumpster rental company you find online or in the phonebook. Instead, call our team. These are just a few of the things that make us the leading dumpster rental company in Nashville, TN:

  • Perfectsized units: At Griffin Waste Services, we rent out 10-yard dumpsters. These open-top bins all feature a gate on one end and have a capacity of up to 4 tons. These dumpsters can handle refuse from any commercial or residential project.
  • Hassle-free service: We strive to make delivery and pickup as easy as possible for our customers. In fact, you don’t even need to be on-site when it’s time for delivery. We also guarantee that the dumpster will be delivered right where you need it.
  • Affordable pricing: Dumpster rentals can cost a fortune when you work with some companies. That’s not the case with us. Our prices start at just $299 for a one-week rental, including delivery and pickup fees.

The next time you need to rent a dumpster for a residential or commercial project, be sure to work with the team at Griffin Waste Services. Give us a call today to get a quote or to find out why we’re the best dumpster rental company in Nashville, TN.

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